Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sunshine BBQ Chicken

4 boneless chicken breasts
1 small onion
1 small bell pepper (color comparison later)
2 celery stalks
2 green onions
1 large garlic clove
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp sesame oil
thumb-size piece fresh ginger
1/2 cup yellow mustard
5 tbsp brown sugar
little tabasco
salt and pepper
1 lime
Optional: red chili pepper
Optional: peppadew or peppadew mustard

Pour 1/2 a cup of typical run of the mill yellow mustard into a big bowl.
Sunshine Barbeque Chicken
Note to the Dutchies:
This is not like the Dutch or French mustard you can buy here. It’s a bright yellow, way more mellow, American ballpark mustard. It can be bought at the Jumbo.
My addiction: anything with peppadew. I’ve added 2 tbsp peppadew mustard for a bit of a kick, but you can also add some finely minced chili pepper or jalapeno.
Sunshine Barbeque Chicken
Grate a thumb size piece of fresh ginger in there and stir in 5 tbsp light brown sugar, the juice of 1/2 a lime and a few Tabasco shakes.
Sunshine Barbeque Chicken
The veggies are nothing fancy. Finely mince 1 onion, 1 bell pepper, 2 green onions, 2 celery stalks and grate the garlic.
Sunshine Barbeque Chicken
Toss the vegetables with 2 tbsp oil, 1 tbsp sesame oil and a pinch of salt and pepper.
Sunshine Barbeque Chicken
Teri got me hooked on this amazing Chili & Lime spice mix. She just wants me to be completely dependent on her! I’ve added a good pinch.
Sunshine Barbeque Chicken
Set the Big Green Egg (or your oven or other BBQ) up for direct cooking and stabilize the temperature at 400Fº (200Cº).
Roast the vegetables on the BGE or in your oven for 20 minutes while stirring occasionally. Keep an eye on them, you don’t want them to burn.
Sunshine Barbeque Chicken
The original recipe called for a yellow or orange bell pepper, but I decided to be rebellious and make a red bell pepper version as well. For comparison. I definitely preferred the red pepper version.
As soon as the vegetables are nice and soft and have that typical BBQ flavor, you stir them in with the mustard and ginger mix. Let it sit for a while.
Sunshine Barbeque Chicken
I grabbed a huge spoonful of sauce and pureed it so I could use it as a basting sauce.
Sunshine Barbeque Chicken
Lightly flatten as many (room temperature) boneless chicken breasts as you need and season them with whatever you like. I stuck with basic seasoning.
Sunshine Barbeque Chicken
Grill them, depending on the thickness of your chicken breasts, until they reach an internal temperature of 170Fº (76Cº). Baste them with the sauce and give them roughly 30 seconds extra on each side.
Sunshine Barbeque Chicken
Top them with the sunshine BBQ sauce and garnish with minced parsley. This is the good life!
Sunshine Barbeque Chicken
Serve with a simple and refreshing cucumber salad and easy BBQ potatoes (recipe will follow later).

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