Monday, November 1, 2010

Midnight Cookies

I saw the follwoing recipe on a Martha Stewart cookie of the day.  They looked so cool I wanted to try making them for our annual family Halloween party.  My whole family gets together and dresses up every year.  It is blast.  My cousin said it best "You can miss thanksgiving or Christmas but you always make the family Halloween party".  However I did not want to go to all the work of making cookies and rolling them out, so I made cupcakes, gasp, from a mix and added these show stopping cats to the top!

Midnight Cupcakes

White cupcakes from a mix
8 ounces bittersweet chocolate, melted
1 pound confectioners' sugar (4 1/2 cups)
1/3 cup boiling water, plus more as needed
1 ounce (2 tablespoons) unsalted butter, softened

Make the cats and icing: Place melted chocolate in a pastry bag fitted with the smallest round tip. Tape 10 cat templates onto a baking sheet, then tape waxed paper over templates to baking sheet. Pipe chocolate on center and legs of 1 cat. Using a toothpick, spread chocolate to edges for fur. Repeat with remaining cats and chocolate. Freeze until hard, about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, sift confectioners' sugar into a large bowl. Add boiling water in a slow, steady stream, whisking constantly until mixture is smooth. Add butter, and whisk until smooth, adding more water if needed to thin.
Remove cats from freezer, and cut waxed paper around each cat. Return to freezer. Spread a thin layer of icing on flat side of 1 cookie. Peel waxed paper from 1 cat. Using a small offset spatula, flip a cat, smooth side up, then center on icing. Repeat with remaining cookies, icing, and cats. (Cookies will keep in an airtight container up to 2 days.)

Read more at Midnight Moon Cookies - Martha Stewart Recipes

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