Thursday, July 7, 2011

Honey Glazed Chicken and Bacon Bites

Okay, I know what was I thinking?  So not healthy for you.  So not in any way shape or form sticking with the new 'healthy' eating program, but so good tasting.  Doesn't bacon just make everything better?  In my books it does.  These were delicious.  My kids and my husband devoured them.  One of my sons has even put in a request for more.  So if you want something totally good tasting but really bad for you try these.

Honey Glazed  Chicken and Bacon bites

1 pound boneless chicken breasts
20 thin bacon slices
3 tbsp honey
2 tsp coarse mustard
fresh lemon juice
Optional: salt
1.  Cut the chicken breasts in thin strips. Not too thin, the bacon has to brown and if the chicken is too thin it’ll get dry before the bacon gets crispy.
2.  Grab a bowl and combine 3 tbsp honey with 2 tsp coarse mustard.

Squeeze in some lemon juice. Not too much, about a tbsp or so.
3.  Wrap the bacon around the chicken strips.  To aid the clean up, line the tray or sheet with some tin-foil first.
4.  Brush the chicken bites with half the marinade.
5.  Bake them in a preheated oven at 425F (225C) for 10 to 13 minutes. Until the bacon is crispy.
As soon as one side is done, take the tray out of the oven. Flip them over and brush them with the remaining marinade.
6.  Put them back in the oven for another 10 to 13 minutes, until the other side is crispy as well. Keep an eye on them.

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